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void Contrast(float deltaContrast)

Will stretch or reduce the contrast of the image. The parameter deltaContrast can be any float value. A value of 0.0 will not change the image at all.
A value of 0 will multiply the contrast by 1.0 (changes nothing)
A value of +1 will multiply the contrast by 2.0.
A value of +2 will multiply the contrast by 3.0.
A value of +3 will multiply the contrast by 4.0.
A value = -1.0 will multiply the contrast by 0.5.
A value = -2.0 will multiply the contrast by 0.33.
A value = -3.0 will multiply the contrast by 0.25.


if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,200,25), "What was in that cake?")) {
myTexture.Contrast(-0.5f); // reduce contrast a little

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